Academic Policies


New students must take an academic assessment prior to acceptance and meet the school’s grade level criteria to be accepted into the next successive grade level.

Current students must meet or exceed grade level expectations in all subject areas.

Student Withdrawal Policy

If a parent withdraws his/her student prior to the end of the grading period and the student does not complete all school work for that grading period, the student will receive an incomplete on his/her report card for each course of the grading period. In addition, the parent must be current and complete all financial obligations to the school or grades/school records will be withheld and not transferred until payment is received.


Homework is an essential part of education. As such, students at all grade levels will have

assignments to work on and complete on a daily basis. Parents should be supportive of this

policy by providing a suitable, quiet place to work, free from intrusion by other family members

and the various media. Homework should be an opportunity for practice or for the acquisition of background material. All assignments must be turned in on time. Expulsion could result from continual missing assignments and/or lack of parent/student involvement in the child’s education.   

Failure of Homework Completion Policy

Failure to complete homework consistently will result in the following steps. Progression to the next step will occur if the child continues to have incomplete work.

Step 1: Meeting with teacher, parents, and student

Step 2: Meeting with headmaster, parents, and student

Step 3: Meeting with the Board, the parents, and the student. Continued admission to ADCCA will be determined.

Planned Absences and Work Requests

When a planned absence is scheduled, please let the classroom teacher know as soon as possible. Teachers will do their best to get the work prepared before the student’s absence, but it cannot be guaranteed. Teachers work hard to make sure lessons are posted by 5pm on the Saturday before the work week. Parents are asked to make use of these plans for their upcoming absence. 

Curriculum Requests

In order to protect the time of our teachers, and to be fair to those who are paying for our product, teachers are not allowed to share curriculum with outside students. We also ask that parents not share Armis Dei Curriculum with others outside of the school. 

Academic Textbooks and Supplies

Students are required to buy and are responsible for all their textbooks, novels, and necessary supplies. A supply list will be made available in July.

Video Viewing Policy

Videos may be used on rare occasions to assist in helping students grasp a concept. We will not use videos for entertainment, in place of recess, as a reward, or when a concept can be taught by other teaching methods. Videos must meet a specific curricular objective and will not have profane language or sexually explicit material. Teachers must receive prior approval from the headmaster to show a video. Teachers are responsible for previewing videos to ensure that they are appropriate.

Physical/Learning Disabilities

Children with a severe learning disability will not be admitted to ADCCA due to the lack of adequate staff, funding, and facilities. Children who have been diagnosed as having a learning disability after enrollment will be required to meet the same academic standards as the other children in their grade level and will be given as much individual instruction and encouragement as their classmates. While there are some services, according to the law, that public schools must provide to private school students (e.g. speech and language), it is the responsibility of the parent to initiate the process by contacting the student’s teacher and the headmaster to inquire if services are available.

Adherence to this policy is based upon the following definitions:

Severe Learning Disability– Any condition in a potential student which would require a separate classroom, program, and staff in order to provide the educational services desired by the parents.Learning Disability– Any condition in a potential student which does not require a separate classroom, program, and staff in order to provide the education services desired by the parents. For the purposes of this policy, it is not important whether or not the condition was accurately diagnosed and is a genuine learning disability.