Attendance Policy
Attendance Policies
School Hours
Pre-K: 12:20pm-3:20pm
Grades K-6: 8:25-3:20pm
Students at ADCCA are expected to attend all prescribed classes. A record of attendance for each student will be kept.
The office must be notified by 8:15 a.m. with the reason for any unplanned absence. Absences will be listed as unexcused (i.e.truant) until the parent has communicated with the school regarding the absence. Three or more unexcused absences could lead to student probation or expulsion. Excused absences are considered for medical reasons and bereavement. The school may require suitable proof of excused absences, including written statements from medical sources.
Full-Day Absence: The student is absent from school for 3.5 hours or more.
Half-Day Absence: The student is absent from school between 1 and 3.5 hours.
The school may notify and/or conference with the student’s parents when the student has accumulated 5 days of excused/unexcused absences in a school year. The school will use discretion for all cases of absences where they are aware that the student has been under a physician’s treatment.
Tardy Policy
Tardiness is a form of absence and interferes with student learning. Disruption and loss of instruction time result when students are not in their classroom ready to begin learning on time. Parents are expected to have their students at school a minimum of 5 minutes prior to the start of class. Anytime a child arrives in the classroom after 8:25 a.m. (Grades K-6), or after 12:20 p.m. (PreK) is considered tardy.
A phone call home will be made after the 3rd tardy and subsequent tardies. The school door will be locked at 8:20. If you are tardy, you will need to be buzzed in at the office door and walk your child to his/her classroom. Parents may drop their child off in the hallway. Parents are not permitted to go into the classroom for a tardy drop off.
Below are definitions of excused and unexcused tardies. Tardies are recorded and reported on the report card.
Excused Tardy: The student is late to the school because of sickness, injury, death in the family, medical or dental appointments with a note from the physician, school sponsored activities, or other reasons approved by school administration.
Unexcused Tardy: The student is late to school and it is not due to one of the reasons in the excused tardies listed above.