Grading Policy

Report cards are sent home with all students at the end of each quarter. At the end of the first quarter, parent-teacher conferences will occur to discuss the student’s academic progress. At any time, the teacher or parent may request additional conferences with one another.

Pre-Kindergarten-2nd Grading Scale

AAdvancedDemonstrates an in depth understanding of the concepts AND application above the criterion.
PProficientDemonstrates a complete understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.
DDevelopingDemonstrates a partial understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.
UUnsatisfactoryDemonstrates little to no understanding of the concepts and competencies relevant to the expected learning.

Grades 3-6 Grading Scale

F69 and below

Late Assignments

School Day(s) Late% Deduction
1 Day10%
2 Days20%
3 Days30%
4 Days100% (0% credit is received)

Physical Education Grading Scale

AAdvancedGifted athletically, good sportsmanship, good effort
PProficientGifted athletically but does not always have good sportsmanship or good effort orAthletic, good sportsmanship, good effort
DDevelopingAthletic but only sometimes good sportsmanship or good effortAthletic skills are developing
UUnsatisfactoryDoes not display good sportsmanship or effortNo attempt to bettering athletic skills